Opel engine control unit repair
We have longstanding experience with maintaining and repairing Opel/GM engine control units. Find a selection of the unit types that often cause problems enclosed.
Unit types Multec and Simtec (70 & 71)
Nearly all Opel models constructed from 1999 to 2005 contain these unit types. Sometimes this type is called “hybrid control unit” referring to its ceramic plate.
Multec S engine control unit
Multec (HFSI-2.x)
Producer: Delphi / Delco
Vehicles: Astra G, Corsa C, Meriva A,
Vectra B and Zafira A
Motor codes: Y16XE, Z16XE, Z16SE, Z16YNG und Z16XEP
Known faults: gas pedal sensor P1120 + P1122, radiator fan relay P1482 + P1483, fuel pump relay P0230
Find the repair of your Multec S ecu in our shop or on request
Simtec 70 engine control unit
Simtec 70
Producer: Siemens
Vehicles: Astra G, Vectra B, Zafira A
Motor code: X18XE1
Known faults: defective ignition control, error code P0505 idle speed control, error code P0100 mass air flow sensor
_Find the repair of your Simtec 70 ecu in our shop _ or on request
Simtec 71 engine control unit
Simtec 71
Producer: Siemens
Vehicles: Astra G, Corsa C, Vectra B und Zafira A
Motor code: Z18XE
Known faults: P0220 throttle sensor, engine stops when warm, one injector out of operation
Find the repair of your Simtec 71 ecu in our shop or on request
Other devices and part numbers
In case of different part types, please verify the part number in our Search or contact us. for further information.